Port-rail traffic continues to be on the rise and is becoming more prominent year by year. Throughout 2023, 4,238 trains entered or left the port of Bilbao, and 29% of containers already enter or leave the port by rail.
Considerable progress was made in the management
of rail-port traffic. On the one hand, the Port Authority is
now assuming the management of rail traffic in the port, and
is taking on manoeuvres and shunting tasks with a view to
providing a universal, neutral and competitive service 24/7.
In order to receive longer trains, the initial works to build a
new 750-metre-long siding at Orduña station were awarded in
December. The works will not only speed up and improve the
operation of freight trains between the port of Bilbao and the
Meseta (Castilian Plain), but will also benefit passenger trains.
Interesting links:
Servicios Intermodales Bilbaoport (SIBPort) is a company whose aim is to transport goods by rail with the Port of Bilbao as origin or destination. It offers rail links with the logistics areas of Madrid, Noain, in Navarre, Jundiz, in Alava and PLAZA, in Zaragoza.
This latest initiative means that shippers now have at their disposal weekly rail services from the Port of Bilbao to Vitoria, Burgos, Madrid, Guadalajara, Seville, Zaragoza, Navarre, Barcelona, Castellon, Valencia and Murcia.