We conducted a two-pronged reflection on how to handle CSR. On the one hand, we identified our interest groups and, on the other, what we could contribute of certain value to them, in those fields where we were experts. As regards our interest groups, we understood that we should begin from the closest ‒ our active workers, retirees and their families ‒ ending with the community. As regards what we could share of value, we decided to work together with the municipalities located on both sides of the estuary, historically very closely linked to the port, as well as the companies in the port area, offering:

Solidarity activities
Volunteer activities
Blood donations
Bone marrow donation information activities
The community wellness strategy
- Eskola-lanaldi programme.
- Santurtzi job fair.
- APB retirees’ association.
- Langileen Seme Alabak programme.
- Research, conservation and dissemination of Bilbao Port’s historical, cultural and economic legacy.
- Collaboration and sponsorship of activities in the social, cultural or sports areas.
- Organisation of technical conferences and events, seminars, sector encounters and training courses in the port sectors.
- Training scholarships and aid in the port environment.
Likewise, relations with the citizenry are maintained through the following foundations and activities:
- Maritime Museum and Bilbao Estuary Foundation.
- Navidad Children’s Park of Bilbao (PIN).
- Athletic Club Foundation.
- Novia Salcedo Foundation (annual internship programme: dual and university training).
Under this section, we include the contributions made with regard to the environment:
Environmental Wellness Strategy
- Air Quality Surveillance Plan: The Bilbao Port air quality monitoring station network is composed of an automatic weather station and three fixed measurement cabins. The network provides the data necessary to ascertain the weather conditions existing in the port area as well as real-time particle concentration.
- Acoustic Pollution Control: The BPA avails of two acoustic monitoring terminals to characterise the acoustic environment of all the operations conducted in the port area and establish a control system that alerts on the likelihood of acoustic impact on the residential area based on exceeding a certain limit in the levels of sound measured that are associated to specific port activities.
- Water Quality Management:
- Collaboration agreement between the BPA and the UPV-EHU Department of Botanical Biology and Ecology and Department of Zoology and Animal Cell Biology to implement the “Bilbao Port Biological Surveillance Plan”, which has drawn up its twenty-first report.
- An adaptation plan was prepared, thanks to which today, 100% of the port’s service zone surface area avails of wastewater collection or treatment. The water is either purified prior to re-entry in the public domain of the port or connected to drains belonging to the Bilbao Bizkaia Water Consortium for subsequent treatment.
- Annual measurement of the waters from the Bilbao Port purifying facilities, in line with the Basque Water Agency Surveillance Plan for the authorisation of spills.
- A project is being developed between the Basque Water Agency (URA), the Bilbao Bizkaia Water Consortium and the BPA itself to reduce the number of spillage points into the Abra.