From the H4 518 stand, the port community of Bilbao will present, from 14-16 May, its competitive advantages in the Antwerp Breakbulk Expo.
In 2012, general goods traffic in the Bilbao Port rose to 3.2 million tonnes. The main goods, within this group were iron and steel products, followed by machinery and related parts and paper and pulp. Among the highest growth are those corresponding to other iron and steel products and construction materials.
The main markets are Belgium, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, India and China. Noteworthy is the significant growth of both India as well as Algeria due to the growth of the iron and steel products.
In Bilbao general goods services are rendered to Arab Lines, BBC Chartering, BSLE, Chipolbrok, CCNI, DLL-DFDS Lys Line, Empross Line, Euroáfrica, Finnlines, Gearbulk, HMM, Ilva, Intraha, Jumbo, Nirint, Normed, Onego, Rickmers,

Safmarine, Sloman, Spliethoff´s, Tata Steel, Thyssen, UAL and Westfal.
Ro-Ro traffic
Road traffic represents 29% of general goods. The Port of Bilbao makes available to its consignors two wharves specialising in that traffic. On the one hand, the Bizkaia Wharf, where Finnlines operates from via Consignaciones Toro y Betolaza with a direct weekly line to St. Petersburg. And elsewhere, the A-3 Wharf, specialising in the sea motorways, where Transfennica Iberia operates from with two weekly services to Zeebrugge, and Brittany Ferries with a ferry to Portsmouth twice a week and the service to Poole once a week.
In 2012 the Port Authority built the RO-RO Ramp Number 7 and this year has upgraded Number 4. 4.59 million Euros have been invested in these improvements.
The Basque Country’s industrial environment is that of a manufacturer and consignee of special cargo such as boilers, buses, subway and railway cars, ship propellers, transformers, wind turbines (WT), WT blades and so on.
The Port of Bilbao is a highly-specialised facility as regards to special shipments. In 2012 approximately 4,000 special transports, weighing up to 606 tonnes and 80 metres in length entered and departed from its facilities.