As of this month, the port of Bilbao has a new extension of land to accommodate new strategic business projects designed to generate traffic and jobs, both logistical and industrial. Now that most of the surface area created within the first phase of the construction of the central quay has been developed, the Port Authority has made 203,000 m² of land newly available to companies, which can be divided into plots according to their needs.
In total, the dock has a 1,120 m long berthing line and 362,000 m² of surface area, representing a total investment of EUR 112 million. This project was selected for funding by the European Commission within the framework of its 2014 “Connecting Europe Facility” call for proposals. Under the funding agreement, the European Commission will provide up to EUR 20.9 million, representing 20% of the eligible costs. The remaining funds have been provided by the Port Authority itself.
At the beginning of 2023, a further 50,000 m² will be added to these 200,000 m² on the completion of another project: the extension of the AZ1 Quay, at a cost of approximately EUR 27.4 million. This will be followed by the construction of the second phase of the central quay, scheduled for 2024, although every effort will be made to bring this work forward.

This new quay will be equipped with rail infrastructure and will also enable vessels to connect to the port’s power grid to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and noise while the ship is berthed, thereby improving the environmental performance of the vessels. This practice, known as “Onshore Power Supply”, also reduces vibrations on board and wear and tear on the engines.