Limpiezas Nervión, S.A. Grupo TradebeLimpiezas Nervión, S.A. Grupo TradebeLimpiezas Nervión, S.A. Grupo Tradebe
2017 TARIFFS (€)
- A. Marpol – Annex I Reception and treatment of waste and oily mixturesCollection and treatment104.54 €/m³ or fraction collected.
- B.- Marpol – Annex IV Reception and treatment of waste watersCollection and treatment156.80 €/m³ or fraction collected.Minimum service: 1 m3
- C.- Marpol – Annex V. Reception and treatment of garbageCollection and treatment54.36 €/m³ or fraction collected.
- D.- Marpol – Annex VI Reception and treatment of activated carbon filtersCollection and treatment14.63 € / kilogramMinimum service: 1 kg.
- E.- Charge for issuing marpol certificates20.90 € per each certificate.
- F.- Waste collection from boat (Punta Lucero, Punta Ceballos, Punta Sollana and anchored vessels)162.02 € per each service
- G.- Surcharges on long duration servicesIf decantation in Annex I is carried out with the vessel pumps and an output of 5m³/h is not reached, all the hours the service lasts will be invoiced at 141.12€/hour or fraction directly to the vessel representative by the service provider.Delays in commencement of operations attributable to the vessel will be invoiced at 70.56€/hour directly to the vessel representative by the service provider.
*Sections A, C, E and F will be invoiced by the service provider to the vessel representative as from the seventh day in accordance with Article 132 of Spanish Royal Legislative Decree 2 of 5 September 2011.
*Sections B, D and G will be applied from the first day where appropriate.
- 1.- With a view to improving operations and safety at the cruise berthing dock, it will be compulsory to collect all exclusively ship-generated waste residues.
- 2.- For the purposes of applying these tariffs in cases of collection of wastes included in MARPOL Annexes 1 and IV, collection time will be considered as that comprised between hose connection and disconnection; travel time will not be computed.
The service will be carried out upon the vessel Master’s request or that of its representatives in the Port
The invoice for the service will be itemised thus:
– Bilbao Port Authority invoice: fixed tariff as set out in Article 132 Spanish Royal Legislative Decree 2/2011, applicable to the first seven days of each call.
– Service provider invoice: Discharges corresponding to Annexes IV and VI, in addition to waste from Annexes I and V for discharges carried out after the seventh day and the corresponding surcharges (Section G) - 3.- The tariffs to be applied to wastes included in Annex IV of MARPOL refer to the dirty waters defined in the afore-mentioned Annex IV of the MARPOL Agreement 73/78.
If the analysis of such waters produces evidence of pollution due to hydrocarbons or any other chemical products, the tariff to be applied will be set in each case, according to treatment costs, and will first be submitted to the Port Authority of Bilbao for approval. - 4.- Waste collection included in MARPOL Annex V will be invoiced on the basis of each day the vessel spends in port, regardless of whether the vessel gives in waste or not; in the latter case, a merchant ship is considered to produce in normal conditions less than 1m³ daily.
The service will be carried out daily, without any previous request, for all vessels berthed or anchored in the waters inside the Punta Lucero Breakwater.
Garbage will be handed over in plastic bags and only that exclusively defined in the MARPOL Agreement, Annex V will be considered as such.